DeSmuMe 0.9.5 日本語化パッチ


  • DeSmuME – Nintendo DS Emulator
  • 0.9.4 -> 0.9.5 (r2437-r3075)
    0.9.5 introduces an entirely rewritten main emulation loop
    This totally changes the timing, and totally breaks old savestates.
    The OSX build is now based on the GTK port which is more up-to-date.
    Assorted Highlights:
    * synchronous SPU mode to fix streaming sounds
    * win32: lua engine, path configuration, 7z dearchiving support
    bug: rewrite main emulation loop and cycle accounting, fixes a lot of timings
    bug: add more detailed timing emulation, removes much bogus lag
    bug: rewrite DMA,gxfifo,gxstat; fix many games and no more alternate flush mode
    bug: fix cflash directory support for non-windows and sector-writing
    bug: fix freeze in cart irq
    bug: correctly emulate dma to/from tcm
    bug: fix in thumb LSR carryflag
    bug: fix thumb BX PC switch to arm state
    bug: fix adpcm looping, remove adpcm caching (no longer necessary)
    bug: fixes to swi 3,4,5,8,0×10
    bug: fixes to exmemstat and ipc sync registers
    bug: support new backup commands
    bug: improve bootup bios/firmware emulation steps
    enh: gbaslot: add guitar grip, gbagame flash support, expansion memory pak
    enh: add more powerful antigrain-based drawing library and rewrite OSD system
    enh: ideas-style debugging prints
    enh: most optimizations now SSE instead of SSE2
    enh: more improvements to frameskipping and frame advance/speed controls
    bug: fix backdrop blending with garbage
    bug: fix 256B granularity sprite addressing for sub gpu
    bug: fix obj blending, bmp obj rendering, and some obj window cases
    bug: fix 128-wide captures
    bug: fix 16color BG line buffer overflow
    bug: fix color overflow in capture blending
    bug: fix disp fifo capture
    bug: fix simultaneous vram display and capture via same bank
    bug: fix 3d overflow acknowledge registers
    bug: fix 32bit toon table writes
    bug: change 3d cores to use 18bit color
    bug: fix boxtest (addition overflow!), move clipper to main graphics engine
    bug: fix failure in some cases of polygon clipping
    bug: fix disp3dcnt emulations
    bug: fixes to poly sorting
    bug: fix ogl renderer wireframe support
    bug: swrast: fix backface culling of nonconvex polys
    bug: swrast: add clear image and scroll emulation
    bug: swrast: add fog emulation
    bug: swrast: fixes to shadow rendering
    bug: swrast: preliminary edge marking, works decent
    enh: swrast: multicore optimization for a few fps speedup
    bug: fix support for multiple gamepads and gamepad hotkeys
    bug: fix mic noise code and load wav instead of raw; effective in more cases
    bug: fix for several sticky and broken hotkeys, and f10 hotkeys
    bug: fixes in ram search, add DTCM and ITCM searching, …
    bug: fix sound settings vol slider
    bug: recover from missing window -32000 problem
    bug: don’t turn on mic unless mic input is enabled
    enh: x64 build type now supported
    enh: side-by-side and single screen view modes, many fixes to window resizing
    enh: choose any gap size by dragging bottom window edge (must be enabled)
    enh: choose a gap color
    enh: import/export no$GBA savefiles directly
    enh: multicore optimization for filters, rotation, OSD
    enh: soundview can now mute channels
    enh: new ioregview
    enh: common commandline system, many arguments shared with linux
    enh: improve map view tool to support more modes
    enh: add “FORCE AS CURRENT” recovery tool for mis-sized savefiles
    enh: add some kind of very small savestate rewinding buffer
    enh: autoframeskip works better
    enh: add Italian translation
    enh: added 2x resizing filters (hq2x, hq2xs, lq2x, lq2xs, 2xsai, supereagle)
    (scanlines, nearest2x, bilinear)
    enh: alsa microphone support
    enh: hud and osd notification for gtk and cli frontends
    enh: add support for the SSE optimizations

    [DL: DeSmuMe 0.9.5 日本語化パッチ]

    「DeSmuMe 0.9.5 日本語化パッチ」への11件のフィードバック

    1. はじめましてねこかぶさん。

    2. >64bit版

    3. そうなのですか。

    4. 久々にtrunkの内容を見たら日本語リソースがあるのに気づいたのですが、ところどころ内容がこちらの0.9.5パッチのものと異なるようですね。どちらかといえばパッチのテキストの方が適切に見えるのですが……。

    5. r3265でいくらかの修正を行いました。なお、私自身はあまり継続的・意欲的に日本語リソースに手を入れるつもりはありません。

    6. 修正ありがとうございます。


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